Take Care Ts & Cs
TO MAKE A BOOKING - Please make your bookings via our online booking platform . We do not offer tentative bookings or hold dates for you but we do allow you to cancel or move your booking in line with our cancellation policy (see below).
For booking related correspondence, please email sass@studiotakecare.com
For anything urgent please call or text 0401 607 844
BOOKING TIMES - Please request a booking time for the entire duration that you need the space, this includes set up, pack down and enough time to leave the space as tidy as you found it.
EARLY ARRIVAL - If you’d like early access to the space, please edit your booking to reflect the early arrival. You will be charged for the entire time that you use the space.
OVERTIME- Where possible, we will accomodate your booking running overtime. Running overtime requires our permission and you must pay for the additional time. If we cannot accomodate the overtime or if you haven't received approval from us to run over, you must leave on time.
PAYMENTS - To book space at Take Care, you are required to provide credit card or debit card details. Your card will be charged 24 hours before your booking. If further charges accumulate during your booking, for example - overtime, additional cleaning fees, fees for damage to the space, fees for missing items, your card will be charged again after your booking for the additional charges. You will be notified of additional charges before your card is charged. A 1.7% card fee is applied to all payments.
Single room bookings & whole ground floor bookings:
From the time a booking is placed to 2 weeks before the booked event: Cancellation results in 25% of the total booking price being charged to your credit card.
2 weeks - 48 hours before the booked event: Cancellation results in 50% of the total booking price being charged to your credit card.
Less than 48 hours before the booked event: Cancellation / no-show results in 100% of the total booking price being charged to your credit card.
From the time a booking is placed to 1 month before the booked event: You have the option to move the booking to a new date free of charge.
From 1 month - 48 hours before the event: You have the option to move the booking to a new date and will be charged 25% of the total booking price as a reschedule fee. Reschedule dates are subject to Take Care availability.
For Whole Building Bookings:
From time a booking is placed to 1 month before the booked event: Cancellation results in 50% of the total booking price being charged to your credit card.
1 month - 48 hours before the booked event: Cancellation results in 75% of the total booking price being charged to your credit card.
Less than 48 hours before the booked event: Cancellation results in 100% of the total booking price being charged to your credit card.
From the time a booking is placed to 1 month before the booked event: you have the option to move the booking to a new date and you will be charged 25% of the total booking price as a reschedule fee. Moving a booking can only be done once and the booking needs to be rescheduled for a date within 30 days of the original booking date, subject to Take Care availability.
Special Circumstances
We acknowledge that the blanket rules outlined in our cancellation and reschedule policy do not always accomodate unique circumstances. If you are in a position where a cancellation or reschedule is on the cards, and you feel that your circumstances call for special consideration / exemption of our policies, please email me to discuss. Decisions are made at Take Care's discretion.
All bookings at Take Care require the facilitators to have their own public liability insurance that covers them for the activities taking place during their booking.
Anyone facilitating an activity at Take Care must actively join us in our ongoing efforts for inclusivity. These efforts are outlined here.
Arrive on time for your booking. Early access to the space is not allowed without prior permission. Please let us know if you are arriving late.
If you'd like custom signage inside the entrance of Take Care, please BYO or use the Take Care magnet boards. We do not have a council permit to place signage outside of the building.
Strictly follow our opening and closing instructions and call Sass if you're struggling to do so. These instructions can be found on the walls in our rooms and are sent to you via text message.
Keep the studio secure. You are not permitted to the leave the external doors unlocked or windows open while the space is unattended. At times when you are able to supervise the space, you may leave the external doors unlocked/ windows open, however, you are responsible for the security of the studio while you have the doors/windows open/unlocked. Please limit the duration of which the doors are unlocked.
Leave the space clean and tidy. Make sure all furniture is in its original position and that all rubbish is in the bins provided. Take all lost property with you. Sweep and mop the floors if your activities have left a mess.
Please notify us of any damages as well as anything in the space that isn't working.
PLEASE do not touch the mirrors in the space. You are required to check the mirrors before you leave the space and clean any marks that may have appeared during your booking.
Take Care is not responsible for any items that go missing or become damaged.
You are liable for any damages to the space or lost/stolen property that occurs as a result of your booking. Take Care will calculate charges at their own discretion and invoice you accordingly.
Air Purifiers
We provide one air purifier per room and have additional purifiers than can be booked. Please give us as much notice as possible if you’d like to have more than one purifier for your booking.
Our Art Room and Small Room both have windows that can be opened to bring in fresh air. Our Chapel also has windows that can be opened, unless our noise absorbing foam is being used, in which case Chapel windows can’t be opened. Noise cancelling foam is only used for club nights and loud events. Our Big Room does not have windows to outside but does have an extraction fan. Doors to big room can be opened and corridor windows can be opened to help with ventilation to the Big Room.
Take Care has hand sanitiser available in all rooms.
We request that all facilitators and attendees do not come to Take Care if they are experiencing viral symptoms. We encourage RAT tests even when symptom-free and we also encourage the use of masks in our space. We ask that all facilitators have their own covid safe policies that they share with their attendees before their events.
Testing on Entry
If you would like to host an event at Take Care that requires instant covid testing on entry, we may be able to assist. Please reach out and we can discuss.